
I have dedicated this blong to the vast martial arts that are in our world.

Friday, March 16, 2012


Welcome to my blog

   I dedicated this blog to the various styles of martial arts in this world.  There are different forms of martial arts, not only the ones you see in the movies.  This blog will also look at martial arts you might know little of, their origins and what makes it stand out from others whether it would be tatics or weapons used mainly in the style.

Which martial arts would you care to see?  Place requests in the comment section.    

1 comment:

  1. Wes, what an interesting topic you’ve chosen to blog about! Are you involved in martial arts? Do you take lessons and compete? If so, which form(s) of martial arts are you involved in? I never realized until I read your Poll gadget that there were so many different forms of martial arts! Which is your favorite? Who are some of the more famous athletes in martial arts? I admit that I know very little about martial arts, but I do know that the origins go back a long time. I’m looking forward to reading more about the details of its history. You’re off to a good start with your blog; I’m looking forward to returning soon to read (and learn) more! Mrs. A.
